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The Top 4 Human Skills for the Digital Age

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

The job market is constantly changing and evolving, which means that inevitably, the skill sets needed to succeed are also changing and evolving. As we move deeper into a digital age, it’s tempting to think that soft skills are starting not to matter as much, but arguably, the opposite is true (click here to read our post about why soft skills are needed in every industry). Now more than ever, with a viral pandemic changing the way we work, socialize, and live, soft skills are critical in adapting with the digital age; here are four of them.


Having strong communication skills has always been a plus, and that’s certainly no exception now. The shift of moving many jobs to mostly or completely online formats has called for a necessity of effective communication through technology in a way it never has before. In-person communication will not cease to be important anytime soon, but digital communication is proving to be a vital and helpful strength.


Although the majority of jobs in any given field can typically be done solo, there’s a guarantee that at some point in your career you will need to work with another person or even a larger group of people. The digital age has only increased the need to know how to collaborate with others. Knowing how to effectively work in a team is not only a desirable skill to have, but a necessity.

Problem Solving

Problems occur on the job all the time; even when precautions are taken, errors or mistakes can happen. Problem-solving isn’t simply the ability to fix every issue immediately. It comes down to being adaptable to different possible outcomes and figuring out the next best step to take.

Customer Service

Customer service is not limited to certain positions or fields; having that specific set of communication skills will be incredibly helpful in any job in any industry. Regardless of what you are doing, chances are the bottom line is that you play a part in providing a good or a service, and in the digital age this need for customer service has increased greatly.

No matter how the job market may change in the future, having these skills won’t go out of style. Digital age or not, it’s important to possess strengths grounded in patience, adaptability, teamwork, and people skills.

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